Pregnancy Aqua Yoga Droitwich

Pregnancy Aqua-Yoga is a gentle yet effective form of exercise in a warm swimming pool which combines stretching, breathing and relaxation. Aqua Yoga at Chessgrove Swim follows the Birthlight programme, and the sessions are great for easing the aches and pains often associated with pregnancy. Classes are designed to help you stretch, relax, meet other Mums-to-be and switch off from the distractions of every day life. Classes are taught by Birthlight-trained teachers in our luxuriously warm pool, and are approved by our local midwives.

The benefits of Aqua-Yoga

These classes are particularly beneficial to pregnant ladies as the resistance of the water helps them to stretch and tone muscles ready for birth but without the risk of overstretching and straining. The exercises can also help to alleviate some of the discomforts associated with pregnancy such as back ache, swollen ankles and pelvic pain. And the buoyancy that the water provides allows a moment away from the “heavy” feeling of later pregnancy.

Lеаrn tо Ѕwіm Вrоmsgrоvе

Ѕwіmmіng іs а grеаt sроrt thаt саn bе еnјоуеd bу реорlе оf аll аgеs, fіtnеss lеvеls аnd bасkgrоunds. Іf уоu аrе luсkу еnоugh tо lеаrn tо swіm аt аn еаrlу аgе, уоu wіll bе еvеn bеttеr оff. Ву lеаrnіng whеn уоu аrе а smаll сhіld, уоu аrе аblе tо соnquеr fеаrs muсh еаsіеr thаn аs аn аdult, аnd sоmеtіmеs, уоu wоn’t еvеn dеvеlор thе fеаrs аt аll. Dереndіng оn аt whаt аgе уоu lеаrn, аnd whаt уоur ultіmаtе gоаl іs іn thе wоrld оf swіmmіng, уоur trаіnіng wіll bе vеrу dіffеrеnt. Ѕwіm tеасhеrs аnd соасhеs аrе tаskеd wіth fіndіng thе bеst wау tо rеlаtе tо thеіr studеnts аnd dеvеlоріng а tеасhіng stуlе thаt fіts еасh studеnts nееds аnd lеаrnіng stуlеs.

Тhеrе аrе mаnу орроrtunіtіеs nоw fоr smаll сhіldrеn tо lеаrn tо swіm. Сlаssеs аrе оffеrеd аt соmmunіtу рооls, hеаlth сlubs аnd еvеn sоmе sсhооls. Yоu аlsо hаvе thе орtіоn оf tеасhіng уоur оwn сhіldrеn іf уоu уоursеlf аrе а strоng swіmmеr. Ѕwіm lеssоns hаvе соmе а lоng wау frоm thе “sіnk оr swіm” thеоrу оf уеаrs раst. Теасhеrs аrе nоw rеаlіzіng thаt thаt аррrоасh mау mаkе thіngs wоrsе nоt bеttеr bу іnstіllіng аn іnnаtе fеаr оf wаtеr іn thе уоung сhіld. Тhеrе аrе аll sоrts оf арраrаtus’s suсh аs аrms flоаts аnd іnnеr tubеs fоr сhіldrеn tо bесоmе ассustоmеd tо thе wаtеr. Wе саn nоw tаkе mоrе оf а trаіnіng whееl аррrоасh tо swіm lеssоns, аllоwіng thеm tо gеt соmfоrtаblе аnd lеаrn іn а sаfе еnvіrоnmеnt.

Іf уоu аrе lеаrnіng tо swіm аs аn аdult оr оldеr сhіld аnd wіll bе соmреtіng іn соmреtіtіоns, уоur trаіnіng wіll lооk а bіt dіffеrеnt. Оn tор оf lеаrnіng thе bаsіс mоvеs, уоur соасh wіll nееd tо wоrk wіth уоu іn оrdеr tо dеvеlор strоngеr musсlеs. Dереndіng оn whаt tуре оf strоkеs уоu wіll dо, thеу mау fосus еntіrеlу оn уоur uрреr bоdу musсlеs оr mау lеnd sоmе оf thе fосus tо уоur lоwеr bоdу аnd lеg musсlеs. Yоu wіll bе dоіng rереtіtіvе lарs tо buіld uр еndurаnсе аnd mау bе рrасtісіng еасh strоkе fоr аrоund 20 mіnutеs tо buіld уоur strеngth. Ѕоmе соасhеs еvеn рlасе іtеms іn thе wаtеr thаt уоu must swіm undеr іn оrdеr tо рrасtісе dіvіng іntо thе рооl.

Whаtеvеr уоu сhооsе tо dо wіth уоur swіmmіng knоwlеdgе, bеіng іn thе wаtеr іs аn ехреrіеnсе lіkе nо оthеr. Іt іs а wоndеrful wау tо stау іn shаре, stау hеаlthу аnd hаvе а tоn оf fun whіlе уоu аrе аt іt. Аnd аlwауs rеmеmbеr httр://www.сhеssgrоvеswіm.со.uk/ lеаrn tо swіm Вrоmsgrоvе.

Author Bio- Chessgrove Swim teach swimming lessons for babies, toddlers, children and adults, and run pregnancy aqua-yoga sessions. for more info baby swimming , childrens swimming lessons, Bromsgrove , Redditch , Droitwich visit

chessgroveswim – toddler swimming in Redditch & Droitwich

Most babies enjoy the water, and many campgrounds have pools for toddler. At chessgroveswim, we provide toddler swimming in Redditch and toddler swimmers enjoy fun yet structured lessons that give confidence in the water and increase the basic skills and techniques to start swimming by yourself.  For more details visit our website:

Specialize in swimming lessons for kids in Bromsgrove

Chessgrove Swim, located in the countryside in Hanbury, Worcestershire provide swimming lessons for babies, toddlers, children and adults in their own modern, luxurious pool. So if you wish to learn to swin in Bromsgrove, you can visit us. We also offer kids swimming lessons in Bromsgrove. We specialize in teaching swimming to younger swimmers and beginners.

Toddler swimming in Droitwich | Bromsgrove | Redditch


You get to see your toddler swimming Droitwich around in there. The results that they found were very telling to say the least. The skills they learn at toddler swimming may save their lives right away or many years in the future.


Teaching your toddler to swim can be very difficult to do. When toddler is just at a young age of two or so, it is a very frightening experience for them to go swimming. Hopefully with our tips you can have a smooth experience!

Toddler swimming Droitwich

Most babies enjoy the water, and many campgrounds have pools for toddler. Take your and keep your eyes open for the excitement he/she will show.

At chessgroveswim, toddler swimmers enjoy fun yet structured lessons that give confidence in the water and introduce and increase the basic skills and techniques to start swimming by yourself. Through the use of games, toys and songs, toddler swimmers soon learn to follow simple instructions from both the parent and also the teacher.

Toddler swimming lessons are provided to toddler every week throughout the year. Childrens in these classes are approximately 18-36 months old and not compulsory to have completed baby courses with us to join the toddler courses. Our aim for our toddlers to swim regularly, as learning to swim takes lots of practice like learning to run or to ride a bike! We will always try our best to offer you a replacement lesson if you are unable to attend your normal class.

If you are not convinced how your toddler will take to swimming lessons, so, why not you come for a free trial session. you can bring your child along to see how they get on before signing up to weekly lessons. There is no charge for trials so please call 01527 821978 to book a trial session.




Swimming Classes for Baby in Bromsgrove | Redditch | Droitwich


Swimming is a skill baby will love for life and it’s important for parents’ peace of mind too. Our world-recognised programme teaches swimming through a great mix of fun activities and they’ll soon become safe. Babies have a real affinity with water and baby swimming helps to improve co-ordination, balance and sleep patterns. It’s a fun and sociable activity, and in our luxurious, warm pool, you can take part whatever the weather.

So where is the premium place for baby swimming Bromsgrove , Redditch and Droitwich? Chessgrove Swim.

Chessgrove Swim offers baby swimming lessons. Here baby learn to swim easily and also take lots of fun. It’s a fun and sociable activity, and in our luxurious, warm pool, you can take part in every weather.  Our baby swimming classes programme includes submersions which are an important part of learn to swim.

At Chessgrove Swim, we have incorporated the Birthlight baby swimming techniques into a structured programme. Here baby skills are developed week by week, and new exercises are introduced to compliment the developmental stages of the babies and the reflexes they exhibit.  Our mission is to delivered safe, sensitive and fun lessons.

Here, Baby swimming courses are 10 weeks long, and courses run 4 times a year, starting in January, April, July and September/October. Each lesson is 30 minutes long and has exclusive use of the whole pool.  To give you the best mix of individual attention and social interaction, our teachers are in the pool with you, and a maximum of 8 babies are booked into each lesson. Our mission is to teach safe, sensitive and fun lessons.

You can start lessons at any time in Bromsgrove, Redditch & Droitwich. Visit:

Chessgrove swim – Childrens learn to swim in Bromsgrove | Redditch | Droitwich


A small luxurious pool set in a rural location offering lessons from babies through to adults, at chessgrove swim Here childrens learn to swim courses easily. We also providing best swimming lessons for toddler, baby, kids and run classes in private, luxuriously pool Bromsgrove, Redditch, & Droitwich, and surrounding areas. We also conduct a pregnancy aqua session and pool parties Bromsgrove also. Here all lessons are taught with an emphasis on fun, and we include plenty of songs, games and toys in every session. Our mission is to teach safe, sensitive and fun lessons. Our dedicated and qualified staffs run an extensive timetable with swimming lessons held 7 days per week. Visit:

Adult Swimming in Droitwich, Bromsgrove and Redditch


Swimming is a great form of exercise for adults. Adult swimming is a great way to loose weigh, keep fit, tone muscles and stay young. The buoyancy of the water help to prevent jarring of the joints, whilst the density of water compared with air, means that you will still experience a good workout.

So where is the premium place for adult swimming Bromsgrove, Redditch and Droitwich? Chessgrove Swim.

Chessgrove Swim offers adult leisure swimming with just 4 adults in the pool at a time. It’s a small and friendly private pool, so swimmers get to know each other and the staff. The pool is situation in the rural countryside between Redditch, Bromsgrove and Droitwich and can best be described as secluded. The adult leisure swimming is just that – it is adults swimming only, so you will not be splashed by children.

Chessgrove Swim also offers adult swimming lessons. Again these are adult swimming sessions in small groups, but these sessions are led by an instructor who is in the water with you teaching you to swim. There are a great many adults who did not learn to swim as a child, who are now taking the plunge, maybe even facing their fears, so that they can enjoy swimming as an adult. Sometimes this is for personal satisfaction, sometimes it is so that they have the confidence to swim with children and grandchildren. Whatever your motivation for taking up adult swimming, then the instructors at Chessgrove Swim will teach you sensitively.

Author Bio:

Chessgrove Swim, provide an adult swimming Droitwich. At chessgrove swim, Adult, baby,toddler and childrens learn to swim easily. Our luxuriously warm pool situated between Bromsgrove, Redditch & Droitwich in rural Worcestershire. Visit:

Pool Parties in Droitwich, Redditch and Bromsgrove



Planning and organising a children’s birthday party is an exciting activity, but for a great many of us, it is also a cause of great stress and anxiety! Your child is excited about their big day when they will be the centre of all their friends’ attention. They believe that their amazing parents can deliver a day when everything will be exactly match their dreams.
So how do we, as parents, come even close to fulfilling their expectations? Fortunately, there is answer, and that is pool parties at Chessgrove Swim, a private pool situated in the rural countryside between Redditch, Bromsgrove and Droitwich.
At pool parties, it doesn’t matter if it rains.
At pool parties, children will burn up energy, and get tired.
At pool parties at Chessgrove Swim, you will have the WOW factor.

The Chessgrove pool,located between Droitwich, Bromsgrove and Redditch, has water cannons and a volcano pad. Each party has exclusive use of the whole pool, so there is no sharing with other swimmers, and they can make as much noise as they like. And we have some amazing toys!
And this is what happens at pool parties at Chessgrove Swim
Your guests arrive and get changed and go into the pool for an hour of swimming. We give all the swimmers a safety talk before entering into the water, and also a quick assessment to see it they need some buoyancy aids. And then the fun starts. We have some great toys to suit all age groups – beach balls, inflatable surf boards, dive stick and sinkers – we have water cannons, and we can play games if you want. After an hour of swimming, everyone is ready to get changed and head into the party room for birthday tea. We ask you to supply your own food and cake (don’t forget the candles and matches) and you are welcome to play some games in the party room as well if you have the stamina!
Chessgrove Swim is the premium venue for pool parties Bromsgrove, Redditch and Droitwich. Our pool parties are suitable for up to 17 swimmers. We’d like them to be excited, make lots of noise, run around and get tired, but do we have the stamina for this? We’d like a WOW factor, because we know that we will be judged by other parents by our ability to deliver a good party.

Author Bio:
Chessgrove Swim conduct a pool parties Droitwich,Bromsgrove, Redditch and surrounding areas. Here all our pool parties come with exclusive use of our leisure pool, complete with bubbling volcano pad & waterfall.